What We Believe
RCNS is a cooperative, parent-owned preschool in which parents, teachers and children participate together in an exciting and nurturing first-school experience.
Art, music, dance and play fill our classrooms and outdoor spaces with the happy sounds of children learning. Our expert teachers provide tempting and developmentally appropriate opportunities through which each child grows at his or her own pace to a new maturity and sense of self-worth and self-direction.
At our wonderful preschool, parents and professional teachers cooperate to help our children develop an interest and joy in learning about themselves, others and the world around them during these important, formative early education years. By sharing our own time and talents, both in the classroom and in the administrative workings of the school, we parents show our children directly that we believe in the importance of their education. The exciting, varied school experience at RCNS is fun and enriching for children and parents together!
The variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds of RCNS families offers a unique element to the school, introducing the children to many different cultures living within their communities. We have many families who speak languages other than English with their children at home; the parent-participation preschool model allows those children to learn quickly, since parents become intimately familiar with the school day, form strong bonds with the teacher and other parents, and can thus support their child’s language learning in specific and effective ways. Children from English-only families have the benefit of early exposure to world languages from many trusted adults, as their classmates’ parents informally share songs and play in a wide variety of languages, including Spanish, Mandarin, Amharic, Czech and many others. As you might imagine, our parent potluck events are amazing!
RCNS is a non-profit institution. RCNS does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, or national or ethnic origin.