Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is open! Email our membership chair [membership@rcnscoop.org] to schedule a tour (a tour prior to enrollment is required) or for more information. We look forward to speaking with you!
To secure your child’s spot, the enrollment form, the parent participation form, and the enrollment fee are required.
Tuition options:
Many families chose to take an administrative job and volunteer (co-op) in the classroom (tuition option 1). Families who co-op in the classroom and opt not to take an administrative job may choose tuition option 2: administrative job buyout. Families who have an administrative job and opt out of co-oping may choose tuition option 3: Co-op buyout. Tuition option 4 is for those families buying out of the administrative job and co-oping responsibility.
Please email the membership team at membership@rcnscoop.org for more information on administrative jobs or tuition options.
Siblings Discount
RCNS offers a 10% discount off of the younger child(ren)’s monthly tuition, enrollment fee, and materials & activities fee.
UUCR Members Discount
Rockville Community Nursery School is a non-sectarian school. We were founded by members of the Unitarian Church of Rockville (now known as the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville) in 1964, and so secured space on this beautiful woodland campus as long-term tenants. In gratitude for the warm working relationship our school has with UUCR, we extend a 10% discount tuition off of the monthly tuition, enrollment fee, and materials & activities fee.
Military Discount
RCNS offers a 10% military discount off of monthly tuition, enrollment fee, and materials & activities fee.
Financial Aid
RCNS is committed to making a cooperative education available to all children. Partial scholarships as well as funds for emergency short-term needs are available for children whose families are unable to afford the tuition. All applications are kept strictly confidential. Please inquire with the main office for more information. Click here for the scholarship form.
Discounts may not be combined. Please see the tuition chair with questions or for more information.